Thomas Lally

Co-Founder & CEO

Bloom Healthcare


Requested Donation

Thomas's Summary

Dr. Thomas Lally is a house call physician with a passion for developing new and innovative ways to care for our community’s most vulnerable patients. Dr. Lally is currently the CEO of Bloom Healthcare, an employee-owned primary care practice that supports and treats seniors in their homes. Bloom Healthcare was started as Physician House Calls by Dr. Lally in 2003. Since its inception, Bloom has been focused on providing exemplary, coordinated care to a geriatric population in need. Dr. Lally’s areas of expertise include clinical operations, innovative care delivery models and identification of new treatment opportunities for the complex homebound population. He is a national leader on the treatment of dementia, providing clinical instruction to providers as well as educating the greater community on the progression and care options for individuals suffering from this disease.

About Thomas

  • Span of Control

    The number of people reporting to them

  • Industry

    Health care

  • Size of Company

    In terms of revenue

  • Employees of Company

    The number of people working for this company

  • Business Function

    Administration (CEO, Pres., GM, etc)

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