Patrick Riley

Chief Executive Officer

Global Accelerator Network


Requested Donation

Patrick's Summary

As the CEO of GAN and Managing Partner of GAN Ventures, I work to create opportunities, connections, and investments that help startups have the power to create and grow wherever they call home. GAN connects accelerators, startup studios, and corporate partners together so that they can go on to work with and support the next wave of global startups. GAN Ventures is the investment arm of GAN, providing seed-stage capital to startups around the world.

About Patrick

  • Span of Control

    The number of people reporting to them

  • Industry

    Renewable Energy Semiconductor Manufacturing

  • Size of Company

    In terms of revenue

  • Employees of Company

    The number of people working for this company

  • Business Function

    Administration (CEO, Pres., GM, etc)

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