Michael Rhymes




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Michael's Summary

Michael Rhymes joined Gates Corporation as Chief Information Officer in October 2015 with responsibility for IT globally. In his role, Michael ensures IT is aligned to support Gates business objectives and delivering value through the implementation of secure, cost effective and reliable technology. He leads a global team of IT professionals in setting the strategic direction, execution, and support of Gates applications, infrastructure, security, and network operations Prior to his appointment at Gates, Rhymes served as the Vice President IT – Americas and Front End Systems for Electrical Sector for Eaton. In that role, he was responsible for setting global strategy and implementing customer facing front end systems throughout the Electrical Sector. In addition, he led the Electrical Sector Americas IT organization. Rhymes joined Eaton as part of the Cooper Industries acquisition initially serving as IT Integration Lead for Cooper. Prior to his role as IT Integration Lead, Michael held a number of roles at Cooper including VP IT / CIO, Global Director of Applications, and Director of Business Processes. Before joining Cooper in 2003, Michael held leadership roles in a variety of organizations, culminating in his position as an Account Executive with Cap Gemini.

About Michael

  • Span of Control

    The number of people reporting to them

    50 - 99

  • Industry


  • Size of Company

    In terms of revenue

    $500 - $999 Million

  • Employees of Company

    The number of people working for this company


  • Business Function

    Information Technology/Engineering

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