Manajit Sengupta

Chief Scientist & Program Manager

Department of Energy - National Renewable Energy Laboratory


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Manajit's Summary

Dr. Manajit Sengupta is a Senior Manager of Programs and an internationally recognized R&D Leader with 20+ years of experience in product development and management, customer engagement, strategic planning, proposal development and negotiation, and technical and financial management of projects. He has strong technical acumen with the ability to anticipate new problems and work with the renewable energy industry to develop innovative solutions. Manajit is experienced in partnering with clients to develop understanding of long-term client needs and offer comprehensive cost-effective solutions. He has a proven ability to build and manage cross-cutting teams of highly skilled professionals to solve cutting-edge problems. Currently Manajit leads Solar Measurement and Modeling at NREL. Manajit and his group maintains expertise in solar and atmospheric resource measurement, modeling, and forecasting for renewable energy applications. His technical expertise lie in solar and atmospheric measurement, modeling, data analytics, forecasting, and remote sensing. He is internationally recognized in his field with numerous publications on satellite-based resource assessment, PV modeling, and uncertainty analysis. Manajit led the development of the National Solar Radiation Data Base, the world's leading public solar data product. Before joining NREL, Manajit worked at Colorado State University and the Pacific National Northwest Laboratory. His research areas have also included cloud and solar radiation modeling for future satellites and the impact of clouds on climate change.

About Manajit

  • Span of Control

    The number of people reporting to them

    lt 10

  • Industry


  • Size of Company

    In terms of revenue

    gt $1 Billion

  • Employees of Company

    The number of people working for this company

    gt 10,000

  • Business Function

    Information Technology/Engineering

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