Kathlene Smith

Data Governance Lead Analyst

Nissan Motor Corp


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Kathlene's Summary

I entered the Healthcare Data world when it was first sharing its secrets. As with many of my peers, my first entry into this field was as a just-in-time solution. Working at a company that was suddenly faced with a huge federal reporting project and no resources, I started building a career on solving data problems that many were ill-equipped to handle. Over the next 15 years, the landscape matured until we began the first conversations about using Big Data for the design of better health options and then, saw entire strategic plans created around this process. At the same time, the viability of many health organizations in the current American climate signals the need for strengthening revenue streams, and health data is ripe for consumption. Now, working with consumer data in the automotive industry, I see a similar path laid out in front of us. Where will data take us, how will we use it to benefit our consumers, and what controls will we need to have in place to be sure no harm is done? New regulations are in the works, spearheaded by the CCPA - these will design the roadmap we will follow in the coming decade, and a proactive management of both data and governance will position the automotive industry to learn from the mistakes and successes in healthcare. My life’s work has been the translation of business-driven opportunities into technical solutions and quantitative support. The ability to speak cogently with both thought leaders and the support network that surrounds them is my superpower. As data programs mature, there are two paths stretching out in front of us – valuing private data and protecting it as we do the relationships it represents, or finding the fastest way to monetize our records with little care for the long-term implications of being cavalier. The ethical use and protection of the data we collect is paramount, and I am certain a solid foundation of understanding data is the only way to begin. This is where I am, and plan to continue, focusing my efforts. I want to be sure that as our reliance on big data as a revenue source increases, our ethical obligations to our consumers do not dim. I am thankful to be a part of building a system to ensure its use is beneficent, respectful of autonomy, just and non-maleficent.

About Kathlene

  • Span of Control

    The number of people reporting to them

  • Industry


  • Size of Company

    In terms of revenue

  • Employees of Company

    The number of people working for this company

  • Business Function

    Information Technology/Engineering

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