Jeanette Waxmonsky

Associate Professor

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


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Jeanette's Summary

My passion is to redesign healthcare delivery to ensure that every patient has access to timely, evidence based, high quality integrated behavioral health and medical care. I am a clinical healthcare delivery systems architect. I design innovative behavioral health and primary care integration interventions and programs that permanently transform healthcare delivery locally, statewide, and nationally. My unique combination of clinical, health systems, teaching, and implementation research expertise makes me a recognized national leader in health care delivery design innovation and implementation. I have 20+ years as a mental health clinician providing direct behavioral health services for a variety of patient populations. I have a clear understanding of the challenges and barriers (at the patient, provider, clinical system, health care financing levels), to providing access to timely, high quality behavioral and medical healthcare services. With 10+ years of health plan experience, I have deep, practical knowledge of health care system architecture including clinical delivery, financing/payment structures, and health care technologies such as population risk stratification, electronic health records, and claims data analysis. As an implementation scientist, I have a strong background in organizational change processes, implementation strategies, and implementation research design. Not only do I conduct research, I mindfully forge lasting academic-community partnerships that help transition research into practice. Community health organizations view me as a trusted “collaborator” in implementing and testing clinical systems change or new programs, rather than “just another academic” who needs a research population. I am also an expert teacher. I have trained hundreds of behavioral health, medical, and allied professionals and future professionals on behavioral health interventions and integrated care delivery nationally and internationally.

About Jeanette

  • Span of Control

    The number of people reporting to them

    lt 10

  • Industry

    Health care

  • Size of Company

    In terms of revenue

    $50 - $99 Million

  • Employees of Company

    The number of people working for this company


  • Business Function

    Information Technology/Engineering

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